========================================================= Source Article: Jewish Censorship: Youtube removed: 9 million videos! – Congress Drafting Bill To Create Federal “Social Media Task…
Oh those crazy jews. How desperate they are to try to prevent the mass awakening that is occurring. But no…
================================================== Source Article: Federal officials raise concerns about White House plan to police alleged social media censorship https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/22/tech/ftc-fcc-trump-social-media/index.html ================================================== (CNN)…
=========================================== Source Article by Sayer Ji at GreenMedInfo.com: “Antivaxxers Are Killers” Programmed Into Microsoft’s BING Autosuggest – Is this Hate…
Source Article: Google and Wikipedia Team Together To Suppress Alternative Health Information http://healthimpactnews.com/2019/google-and-wikipedia-team-together-to-suppress-alternative-health-information/ Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact…
This blog was originally posted at http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.com:80/2017/08/the-jews-who-control-internet.html on August 29, 2017. The entire blog was deleted in February 2018 so…