Whooping Cough Outbreak Despite A 100 Percent Vaccination Rate Forces School Closure In Texas

Is it that hard to figure out that vaccines are CAUSING the very diseases we are told they should be preventing?  This may be due to VACCINE SHEDDING (see also here) and the fact that children are being injected with the very diseases the vaccines are said to fight against.

It’s not rocket science people!  Just drop the mind control and think for yourself!  Vaccines are nothing more that pharmaceuitcal poison and sorcery.  Protect yourself and your children!  DO NOT vaccinate.

Source Article:
Whooping Cough Outbreak Despite A 100 Percent Vaccination Rate Forces School Closure In Texas



By Arjun Walia

  • The Facts: A recent whooping cough outbreak a school in Houston, Texas has forced an early school closure. This outbreak is happening despite the fact that 100 percent of the children have been vaccinated.
  • Reflect On: How effective are vaccines? Are there any risks associated with them? Is the answer here more doses of the vaccine or not?
A whooping cough outbreak has forced a school in Houston, Texas to close early for the Christmas break. The school, St. Theresa Catholic School in Memorial Park, will be closed until January 6th. The outbreak has not only affected the students but also the staff. Some children have also been hospitalized as a result, the Houston Chronicle reports.
It’s one of multiple instances that point to the idea that whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is not indicative of a failure to vaccinate, but rather, a failing vaccine. According to Fox, “Officials with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston said that 100 percent of students who attend St. Theresa Catholic School are vaccinated against the illness.”
According to ABC News,

According to a statement from the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the school notified the community of the first confirmed case on Dec. 4. The case was then reported immediately to the Texas Department of State Health Services to investigate. he archdiocese also said all of St. Theresa’s students are vaccinated, and it’s working closely with the Houston Health Department.

You can also view the press release sent out to the parents via the school at Greenmedinfo.com here, in also emphasizes that 100 percent of the children were and have been vaccinated.

It’s Not A Surprise

People shouldn’t be too surprised, however, because there is a lot of science that has been published over the years showing that multiple vaccines may not actually be working as well as they’re marketed to be.
For example, a study titled “The Pertussis resurgence: putting together the pieces of the puzzle” states:

More recent studies show that by 5 years after completion of a DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely to acquire pertussis compared to the first year after the series. Studies have also documented rapid decline in pertussis antibodies within as few as 2–3 years of the most recent aP vaccination, often to pre-vaccination levels and although antibody levels alone are not necessarily indicative of waning immunity, in this case given the higher risk of infection after aP vaccine with time, it is strongly suggestive of it.

A very recent study published in the Journal of Paediatric Infectious Diseases  titled: The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines – Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future  outlines how, because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.

In the last 13 years, major pertussis epidemics have occurred in the United States, and numerous studies have shown the deficiencies of DTaP vaccines, including the small number of antigens that the vaccines contain and the type of cellular immune response that they elicit. Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.

A study published in BMC medicine titled “Asymptomatic transmission and the resurgence of Bordetella pertussis” emphasizes:

In this paper, we have presented empirical evidence — from both case and genomic data — for asymptomatic B. pertussis transmission following the switch from the wP to the aP vaccine in the US and UK. Then, using mathematical and computational transmission models, we have demonstrated that an aP vaccine which blocks symptomatic disease but not asymptomatic transmission is able to account for the observed increase in B. pertussis incidence…public health authorities may be facing a situation similar to that of polio, where vaccinated individuals can still transmit infection.

For a more in depth look into this specific paper, download the slides as a PowerPoint presentation.
The studies above outline why it shouldn’t be a surprise that this current outbreak in a Texas school is happening despite the fact that 100 percent vaccine coverage has been achieved.

Is It Worth It?

With vaccine failure exemplified in a number of cases, is the vaccine really worth it? Are there risks associated with it? These are important questions to ask, and in this day in age, information, no matter how credible, is being severely censored. It just doesn’t seem right and most health professionals seem to be oblivious to the type of information that’s presented in this article.
Until the 1990s, the vaccine administered to children for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis protection was the DTP vaccine, one of the first combination vaccines ever licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, as a “whole-cell” vaccine (meaning that it contained the entire Bordetella pertussis organism rather than purified components), DTP had a significant downside—including published safety concerns dating back to the 1930s and widespread reports of neurological damage emanating from both the United States and other countries. By 1991, the Institute of Medicine cautiously reported that the evidence was “consistent with a possible causal relation between DTP vaccine and acute encephalopathy” [brain disease].
Furthermore, one must example the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), with statistics from the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS). Since its inception the NCVIA has protected pharmaceutical companies as vaccines are a liability free product, and has used nearly $4 billion to payout to families of vaccine injured children. CDC researchers assessed over two decades’ worth of data (1991–2016) from the CDC- and FDA-administered passive surveillance system, VAERS, examining adverse events (AEs) reported to VAERS following vaccination with one of five currently licensed DTaP vaccines (see table). The five vaccines included two DTaP-only vaccines (approved for the full five-dose series of shots) and three combination vaccines (approved for some portion of the DTaP series). The combination formulations in question included DTaP plus hepatitis B vaccine (HBV), inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) and/or Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine.
The analysis of VAERS reports identified tens of thousands of AEs (N=50,157) in the aftermath of a DTaP-containing vaccine. (A single VAERS report may include more than one AE, so the adverse event categories are not mutually exclusive.) VAERS, by the federal government’s own admission, captures only about 1% of AEs; thus, the 50,000-plus AEs probably vastly underrepresent the number of real-world DTaP-related vaccine injuries.
Roughly one in nine (11.2%) of the reported AEs were coded as serious, and 15% of all serious AEs were deaths (844/5,627). (If one were to average these deaths over the 26 years from 1991 through 2016, this would represent over 32 deaths annually.)
You can read more about that, in depth, here.
There is a lot of information out there. Not long ago, a team of Scandinavian scientists has conducted such a study and the results are alarming.  That study, funded in part by the Danish government and lead by Dr. Soren Wengel Mogensen, was published in January in EBioMedicine.  Mogensen and his team of scientists found that African children inoculated with the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine, during the early 1980s had a 5-10 times greater mortality than their unvaccinated peers.


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Also see….


Vaccine FAIL: “Whooping cough outbreak closes Texas school despite 100-percent vaccination rate: officials”


Despite a 100% vaccination rate, a Texas school closes early for winter break due to a whooping cough outbreak. Clearly the vaccine is failing to work as advertised. 
If ever there was convincing proof that vaccination does not equate to bona fide immunity, it is at St. Theresa Catholic School in Texas…
Reported by FoxNews.com on Dec. 19th, the school experienced an outbreak of whooping cough, causing them to close their doors and start their winter break early.

On Dec. 4th, St. Theresa Catholic School in Memorial Park, reported its first case to the Texas Department of State Health Services. Since then, the outbreak has continued to escalate — and not because of the abuse of religious and medical exemptions, and so-called “anti-vaxxer” parents.
According to the FoxNews report, the school vaccine uptake rate was at 100%:

“Officials with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston said that 100 percent of students who attend St. Theresa Catholic School are vaccinated against the illness.”

This was confirmed by the following statement to parents sent by the school:

In response to this incident, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) posted an article titled, “Pertussis: Vaccine Failure, Not Failure to Vaccinate,” explaining how despite propaganda to the contrary, it is clearly not conscientious objectors to vaccination driving outbreaks like these (i.e. so-called “anti-vaxxers”), but a failing pertussis vaccine. 
In fact, according to CHD’s article the vaccine itself may be driving increased risk for whooping cough:

“Studies show that by five years after completion of the DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely to acquire pertussis compared to the first year after the series.” 

There are plenty of additional examples in the published literature of vaccination failure in highly vaccinated populations. View 30+ studies on the topic here.
There are also serious questions as to whether vaccines like DTaP are causing more harm than good. GreenMedInfo.com indexes peer-reviewed, published studies that confirm the unintended, adverse effects of vaccinations. You can view close to a thousand study abstracts on the subject on our Vaccination Database. The DTP vaccine has been linked to over 30 adverse health effects which you can viewed here: Vaccination: Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus


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