Wendy’s Launches Campaign to Raise Money for Adoption Instead of Abortion

So glad to find some moral news in a sea of overt satanism that has taken over America.

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Wendy’s Launches Campaign to Raise Money for Adoption Instead of Abortion
Instead of donating to Planned Parenthood like Netflix, Ben and Jerry’s, Converse, and many other far-left companies are doing, Wendy’s has launched a campaign to donate up to $500,000 toward adoption programs for foster children. Wendy’s founder, Dave Thomas, was adopted when he was 6 weeks old.
Wendy’s has rejected the pro-abortion movement that so many big companies are pushing.
Instead of donating to Planned Parenthood like Netflix, Ben and Jerry’s, Converse, and many other far-left companies are doing, Wendy’s has launched a campaign to donate up to $500,000 toward adoption programs.
In the video below, you will see the heartwarming story of Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas, who was adopted when he was 6 weeks old.
Original story here