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Principle at Orthodox School sentenced for possession of child pornography
The Ugly Truth ed note–again, just as it is with the issue of abortion and the fact that the PREPONDERANCE of those advocating its legalization are of the Judaic pedigree, and this due to the fact that Judah-ism itself REQUIRES the practice of child murder be made available to those who wish it, likewise, the business of sexually abusing children goes way, way back in that ‘old-time religion’ practiced by the Hebrews/Shebrews/ Israelites, Judahites, Judeans, etc, etc, etc, specifically with the story of Lott, Abraham’s nephew, who gave his 2 virgin daughters away to a group of gangbangers from the nearby city of Sodom as recounted in the book of Genesis, to wit–
And they, the men of Sodom, called to Lott and said to him ‘Where are the men that came into thy house this night? Bring them out hither so that we may know them.’ And Lott said to them, ‘I beseech you, my brethren, do not commit this evil act…I have two daughters who as yet have not known man. I will bring them out to you, and you may abuse them as it shall please you…