Source Article: The Occult Meanings of Represent: Why You Can Not Represent Yourself in Court

To know why you can not “represent” yourself in court, you need to study the definitions of the word represent and find its deeper meanings. You also need to ask yourself this question: “How could I represent myself when I am already myself living in a body made of flesh and blood?” One of the common definitions of the word represent is “to act or speak officially for (someone or something)”. Based on this definition, when you represent someone or something, you are acting or speaking for it.
Here are other common definitions of the word represent from
“to serve to express, designate, stand for, or denote, as a word, symbol, or the like does; symbolize:”
“to express or designate by some term, character, symbol, or the like:”
“to stand or act in the place of, as a substitute, proxy, or agent does:”
“to speak and act for by delegated authority:”
“to act for or in behalf of (a constituency, state, etc.) by deputed right in exercising a voice in legislation or government:”
“to portray or depict; present the likeness of, as a picture does:”
“to present or picture to the mind.”
Here is the definition of the word represent from Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition):
To appear in the character of; personate; to exhibit; to expose before the eyes. To represent a thing is to produce it publicly. To represent a person is to stand in his place; to speak or act with authority on behalf of such person; to supply his place; to act as his substitute or agent.
The Occult Meanings of the Word Represent
All the definitions above are basically telling you that the word represent means to act in the capacity for something. When you “represent” yourself, you are actually acting for something outside of you and therefore it is NOT truly you. Because you are acting for something outside of you, you can not represent yourself.
On the Earth plane, you can not physically be in two places during the exact time. Furthermore, you can not be something and something else during the exact time. In this dimension, you have your own frequency signatures, and therefore you can not be two exact things during the exact time. If two things were exactly the same, you would not be able to tell the difference between them, even down to the atomic and DNA level.
In one of the previous paragraphs, the first phrase says “To appear in the character of”. The words you need to pay attention to in this phrase are appear and character. You also need to pay attention to the word person. In legalese, the word person usually means an artificial person. This “person” is not you because it is a dead fictional character. Furthermore, you are a spirit and soul living in a body made of flesh and blood; therefore, you can not be that person.
One of the origins of the word appear is the Latin word apparere, which is derived from the Latin words ad(“to”) and parere (“to come forth, be visible”). The word appear has a strong connection to magic (magick), which is why it is used a lot by fake or real magicians. These magicians like to make things appear (be visible) and disappear (be invisible) right in front of your eyes.
Like magicians, judges also like to make things appear and disappear. This is why the letter that they used to notify you to appear in court is called a summons. To summon you to court is to call you to appear in court using the power of words and magic, similar to how witches summon spirits to appear in front of them. The word summons is defined as “A form of legal process that commands the defendant to appear before the court on a specific day and to answer the complaint made by the plaintiff.”
In my article titled The Magic Power of Words and Why Words Rule the World, I said that judges are magicians, which is why they are sometimes called magistrates. Here is an excerpt from that article:
In legal terms, the word magistrate is defined as “any individual who has the power of a public civil officer or inferior judicial officer, such as a Justice of the Peace”. Magistrate can also be defined as “a civil officer charged with the administration of the law”. To find the occult definition of the word magistrate, you need to split it into two words (magi-strate). The word you need to pay attention to is magi. One of the origins of the word magi is the Latin word magi (plural of magus), meaning “magician, learned magician”. Hence, the words magistrate, magician, magic, and magistery.