“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the jews constitute one and the same historical lie, which made possible a gigantic financial-political fraud, the principal beneficiaries of which are the state of Israel and international Zionism, whose principal victims are the German people — but not their leaders — and the entire Palestinian people.” — Robert Faurisson, 1980
Below is an amazing tribute to Robert Faurisson, who died just before his 90th birthday of a heart attack induced by jewish harassment and abuse. A heartfelt farewell to this amazing man to whom awakened people owe enormous gratitude. He brought forward some of the most important Truths regarding the jewish fabrications about WWII, and he did this unwaveringly and despite constant harassment from those who continue to feed the world a diet of lies, distortions, and mental poisons that have no basis in true history.
May those responsible for creating and sustaining these lies rot in hell for all eternity. And may Robert Faurisson’s soul be swiftly carried into the arms of love and his body be protected from those who would mutilate dead bodies in order to harvest organs and attempt to hijack souls.
Source Article by John Kaminski Freedom's enemies finally kill Faurisson https://johnkaminski.org/index.php/john-kaminski-american-writer-and-critic-2/179-freedom-s-enemies-finally-kill-faurisson
Freedom’s enemies finally kill Faurisson
False version of history now controls the world
The first time I remember encountering Robert Faurisson was seeing that photo of his bloodied face after he’d been attacked in 1989 by a group of gangsters called “the Sons of Jewish memory”. The Jews had wanted to kill Robert Faurisson for a long time, before they finally succeeded last weekend.
The last time I saw him was on this spontaneous video made mere hours before his death. Vincent Reynouard’s quick camera work captured the phenomenon that has dogged the scrupulous French classics professor — as well as the entire Holocaust Revisionist movement — for the last 40 years.
Study the video. It will be the last you’ll see of the old professsor, but it won’t be the last you’ll see of the Jewish technique used to counter ironclad evidence of the Jewish lies about World War II. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUQhcxeJc8A
After all, that’s why all those old women have been put in jail in Germany for trying to tell the world what Faurisson and his confederates have been advocating for the better part of a half century. This is what you should expect when trying to organize a meeting to discuss easy-to-prove lies about World War II.
Jews can’t allow the truth about World War II to be told, because if it was, the whole world would turn on them with actions much worse than what the black Communist government of South Africa is doing to the remaining white farmers it has not yet murdered. The rest of the world was still mired in a Jewish-created Depression in 1940 while Germany had become unbelievably prosperous under Hitler’s leadership.
So, Faurisson’s last event was the fiasco at Shepperton, his old hometown, which clearly demonstrated the power of the Jews in getting businesses to follow orders. What put him squarely in the middle of this Jewish target was a statement he first made in 1979.