Looks like vigilante justice will reign supreme since there is no justice coming out of the jewdicial system — in fact, just the opposite. As far as I am concerned, every single one of these traitors deserves serious public blowback. They have been seeking to destroy the white race, and white Christians in particular, for too long and their time is now up. Merkel needs to be dealt with swiftly and effectively, as do many dual Israeli traitors sitting in the American Congress and controlling the American media.
The time is at hand.
Source Article: Violence Against Public Officials Surges in Germany Due to Public Fury Over Migrants
Mayor of Hockenheim, a city in southwest Germany, was left bloodied and hospitalized after an unknown assailant punched him. Amid a sharp rise in threats to the political elite, one politician has already died. Reports suggest that such attacks are becoming more common.
Dieter Gummer, a member of the notoriously pro-migrant left-wing Social Democratic Party, answered his door on Monday evening to find an unfamiliar face outside. The visitor heavily punched the 67-year-old politician in the face, according to police in nearby Ludwigshafen.