It’s truly incredible how this satanic system operates. First they create intrauterine growth restriction by ultrasonically irradiating developing babies. Next, they give an erectile dysfunction drug to a pregnant woman knowing full well that ultrasound causes massive fertility issues (all documented in my forthcoming book, “The Dark Side of Prenatal Ultrasound“) and knowing full well that giving a pregnant women this type of drug is going to increase the harm. Nevertheless, they plough ahead, and lo and behold, approximately 20% of the babies die. What a shock.
This murderous system must crumble to the ground and die. How can parents be so naive as to allow these kinds of “treatments” for their children? How can they even participate in this sick and twisted form of “prenatal care” when modern medicine is the #1 killer of infants and mothers in the U.S.?
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Trial Halted After 11 Infants Die in the Netherlands
A Dutch trial involving treatment of pregnant women with the erectile dysfunction drug sildenafil has been abruptly stopped after 11 infants born to women who received the medication died, according to one of the trial sites, Amsterdam University Medical Centre (Amsterdam UMC).
The STRIDER (Sildenafil Therapy in Dismal Prognosis Early-Onset Fetal Growth Restriction) trial, which included 11 hospitals across the Netherlands and in other countries, started in 2015 and was to have finished in 2020. It was designed to determine whether sildenafil could increase fetal growth by increasing blood flow to the placenta in women whose fetus was severely underdeveloped.
Marc van den Broek, a spokesman for Amsterdam UMC, shared a statement with Medscape Medical News that said, “Previous studies have shown that sildenafil would have a positive effect on the growth of babies.”
The statement described the early results of the Dutch trial: “At the moment of termination of the study, the results were known of 183 women, of whom just over half had taken the drug.”
Of the 93 women in the sildenafil group, the statement said, “19 babies died, 11 of whom were due to a possible lung disease, a form of high blood pressure in the lungs; 6 babies also had this lung disease, but did not die.”
In comparison, of the 90 women in the placebo group, “9 babies died. No one by the lung disease; 3 babies did have the lung disease, but did not die of it.”
Sildenafil is approved to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension and works by relaxing blood vessels. Although sildenafil is well known by the brand name Viagra, Pfizer, the maker of Viagra, was not involved in the trial, and another company’s generic version of sildenafil was used, according to a Pfizer spokesperson.
Previous Studies Showed Different Results
The Amsterdam UMC researchers said the prognosis for the fetuses in the study was poor. “There is no known therapy to date to help these babies grow. Sildenafil…may improve the function of the placenta, as was shown in previous research. This can stimulate the growth of the unborn child.”
According to the statement, “An interim analysis by Amsterdam UMC showed that sildenafil may be detrimental to the baby after birth. The chance of a disease of the blood vessels of the lungs appears to be greater and the chance of death after birth seems to have increased.”
The researchers said they found no benefit of the drug for the children or the mothers. They said all adverse effects occurred after birth.
Stephen Evans, a professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom, told Reuters that very few trials of sildenafil have been conducted in pregnant women and that there was no previous indication of the adverse effects seen in the Dutch trial.
“There have been other studies in this area, both involving preliminary work using animals and using pregnant women, and there was no indication that the treatment was dangerous based on previous research,” he said.