Please keep in mind, as you read the article below, that the “racist democrats” are working for ORGANIZED JEWRY, and many hold dual Israeli/American citizenship. It is THEY who seek to destroy America, Christianity, and the white race.
Source Article by Tim Bolen:
The “Racist” Democrats “War On White People” Is More Than Just The “Childhood Vaccine Program…”
To A “Progressive” Democrat American “Nationalism” is A Bad Thing. Being “White” is Worse…
They Seem to Want Heterosexual Christians… Killed Immediately, and Their Children Ripped Apart At Birth, or Vaccinated Into Zombies…
First, Of Course, They Want Our Guns Confiscated…
Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Watching the ultra-left Democratic Party presidential candidates attempting to come up with a strategy that would give them ANY chance, at all, of getting a candidate elected President in 2020 is getting VERY interesting.
It has brought them all out of the closet, so-to-speak…
At first, the counter-move to OUR electing Donald Trump as our President in 2016 was to make the claim that “Trump is an agent of the Russian government.”
When that STUPID story was shown to be nonsense the liberals had massive egg on their faces – so they IMMEDIATELY came out with a new thing. Trump, and by association, all of his supporters, are “Racists…”
Their latest gambit is to try and set up a HATRED of all white people who want to “Make, and Keep, America Great Again.” Think about that… Somehow, in the minds of Democrats, a strong America, with people working, buying homes, buying cars, is a BAD thing. Blacks, whites, browns, yellows, etc. working together as one nation is, to a “Progressive” Democrat, a bad thing.
There is NO question that MOST 2020 Democrat presidential candidates want America destroyed in favor of total UN-Run (Agenda 21) One-World Soviet Style Communism.
The wild-eyed “Green New Deal” would completely bankrupt America in a matter of months, shutting down MOST of America’s industries, putting MOST Americans out of work, giving Mainland Communist China the ability to crush America overnight. And, for the “Anti-White” Democrats, the result would be sweet – the end of Western Civilization.
“Medicare For all” is another nation buster. Just envision millions of out-of-work people standing in line to get their 2,364 “Mandatory Vaccinations.”