You cannot make this stuff up folks!
Rhuan Maycon, 9, was stabbed to death on May 31st by his mother, Rosana da Silva Candido, 27, and lesbian partner Kacyla Damasceno Pessao, 28. after suffering for a year after a botched gender reassignment surgery.
According 22 to Brazil’s Child Protective Services, the boy had a “kind of a sex-change surgery. After removing the penis, they sewed the mutilated region and improvised a version of a female genital organ, making a cut in the groin”
The surgery had apparently been performed with no medical supervision after Rhuan’s mother had decided to turn her son into a girl.
Rhuan’s father had previously contacted Child Protective Services and the police after expressing concerns about the welfare of his son.
Rhuan’s mother and her partner were able to evade the authorities by moving across states and around the country.
Child Protective Services were unable to keep up or save Rhuan’s young life.
Rhuan’s father told the press, “We tried to save Rhuan. We published messages on the social media, we contacted police and the Child Protective Services. No one helped us.”
It appears that Rhuan had suffered extensive psychological trauma from his mother for being male before his penis was severed and his eventual death.
This is where the madness of “choosing Gender” leads.
We all know what we have to do: Shove this madness into an Institution!
My Goodness: Men who think they’re women. Women who think they’re men. These people belong in NUT-HOUSES!
It’s not a big deal. Face it, we’ve got all sorts of people who think they’re Jesus Christ. We don’t change society or worship them; we throw them in a nut-house. Same thing should be done with these Gender nuts AND THE PEOPLE WHO EMBRACE THEM AS “NORMAL.”
In the final analysis, those who seek to normalize this sickness are actually worse than the sickness itself. They pollute and destroy society.
Source Article:
Lesbian Couple Stabs Nine-Year-Old Boy To Death After Forced Botched Gender Reassignment Surgery
LGBT horrors: Lesbians stab innocent nine-year-old son to death after trying to make him “transgender” by cutting off his genitals at home
By Ethan Huff
Original article here

(Natural News) Just in time for Pride Month, a pair of lesbians from Brazil celebrated their “true selves” by murdering their nine-year-old son, whom one year prior they tried to make “transgender” by forcibly cutting off the now-deceased boy’s private parts and carving a makeshift vagina in its place.
The horrific event took place less than one month after Natural News editor Mike Adams publicly predicted this new wave of “LGBT progressivism horrors,” precisely describing that “progressive” parents would begin physically maiming their own babies to slice of their gender organs. That prediction, detailed in this article on Natural News, is now known to have resulted in Natural News being completely deleted and de-platformed by Facebook after left-wing media outlets published hit pieces that focused on the predictions. Once again, Adams turns out to have been completely accurate in seeing exactly where LGBT insanity was headed.
According to reports, 27-year-old Rosana da Silva Candido, the boy’s biological mother, and 28-year-old Kacyla Damasceno Pessao, her lesbian partner, stabbed nine-year-old Rhuan Maycon to death on May 31 after a year of evading police and Child Protective Services.
The father of young Rhuan had desperately been trying to save his son from the clutches of the boy’s deranged LGBTQP mother and her partner, who reportedly moved “across states and around the country” to avoid being caught.
In the end, however, the two women were successful in terminating Rhuan’s life, all because he was male and they apparently wanted a female or a “transgender.”
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“We tried to save Rhuan,” Rhuan’s father told the press. “We published messages on the social media, we contacted police and the Child Protective Services. No one helped us.”
For more stories like this one, be sure to check out
Is there anything more evil than LGBTQP pride?
Reports explain that, prior to being murdered, Rhuan had been sexually mutilated by the two lesbians, who attempted to perform an at-home “gender reassignment” surgery on the poor child against his will.
Brazil’s Child Protective Services revealed that Rhuan had a “kind of” sex-change surgery. “After removing the penis,” the group went on to say about the lesbians, “they sewed the mutilated region and improvised a version of a female genital organ, making a cut in the groin.”
These deranged lesbians obviously didn’t want a little boy, just like Dr. Anne Georgulas, M.D., of Dr. Anne Pediatrics in Coppell, Texas, doesn’t want a boy – these anti-male sentiments being a hallmark of the Cult of LGBTQP.
All of this mass sickness being paraded around as “love” and “tolerance” suggests that modern society has all but reached its end. When innocent children have no choice but to be subjected to the worst kinds of LGBTQP indoctrination, and to the child-molesting pedophiles behind it, you know the fire and brimstone is about to come raining down with a vengeance.
Even the mentally disabled are being targeted by LGBTQP perverts for “adoption” into the “rainbow” lifestyle – the most innocent among us being the prey of Satan’s rainbow army.
“This is what demonic possession looks like,” wrote one Hal Turner Radio Show commenter about this latest heinous incident involving LGBTQP violence against innocent youth.
“It’s also less conspicuous, affecting both ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ thought, and just about ANY anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Israeli motivations. The biblical God’s coming wrath is an unimaginable terror … Jesus will complete the task.”
Why are so many lesbians murdering children these days?
It’s important to remember that this is hardly an isolated incident of LGBTQP violence against innocent children. Just last year, another lesbian couple committed murder-suicide against themselves and their six children by driving the family vehicle off of a California cliff into the Pacific Ocean.
“Allowing children to be adopted by lesbians and homosexuals is child abuse,” wrote one commenter at about this duly horrific incident. “If a child is going to reach their full potential it will happen being raised by their own mother and father. I know there are exceptions but they do not make the rule.”
“When you bypass God in your social policy, you are asking for trouble.”
For more stories about how LGBTQP is a dangerous mental illness, be sure to check out
Sources for this article include:
LGBT progressivism horrors: Parents to start physically maiming their own babies to slice off all “gender” organs in the name of progressivism and “equality”
Read more news about gender insanity at
If you wonder where “progressivism” is headed, look no further than the self-mutilation movement where LGBT followers physically maim their own bodies to become so-called “nullos” by cutting off their nipples and reproductive organs. The next escalation in this war on biology will, I predict, involve parents maiming their newborn infants by slicing off their penis and scrotum shortly after birth in order to “rid” the child of gender inequality.
Editor’s note: Not even a month after this article was published, the predictions detailed here came to life as LGBT parents (lesbians) assaulted their biological son with an attempted, botched “transgender” mutilation procedure they tried to perform in their own home. When the effort failed, they murdered the infant by stabbing him to death. Despite the fact that Natural News editor Mike Adams publicly predicted this exact scenario would begin to unfold, Natural News was attacked by left-wing media hit pieces for daring to make this public prediction. Almost immediately after the hit pieces were published, Facebook permanently banned Natural News and wiped out its nearly 3 million followers, citing this article you are reading now as the justification. Now that this prediction has been proven to be correct, will Facebook restore the Natural News channel? Will left-wing media outlets issue apologies and retractions? Don’t hold your breath…
This physical maiming of newborn infants will be embraced by the Democrats and Leftists as a “progressive” way to achieve “gender equality.” Note that this is far beyond the Female Genital Mutilation currently embraced by Leftists, which involves the painful and permanent maiming of a female infant. FGM is widely practiced in the Somali community in places like Minnesota, which produced the America-hating congresswoman Ilhan Omar, an anti-semitic radical Muslim for whom mutilating young girls is just considered “part of the culture.”
The LGBT community already absurdly claims that children are born “genderless” and then “assigned” a gender by the doctor. This dangerous, delusional thinking will justify parents grabbing scalpels and physically maiming their newborn children in order to achieve a “correction” for their genderless status by violently removing all organs and tissues that are not gender-neutral. Yes, it’s completely insane and criminal, but this is exactly the way the lunatic Left now thinks. (See mini-documentary video below for more coverage.)
Will any doctor stand up against the left-wing obedience cult that violently assaults and murders infants?
My question is: Will any institution in society stand up against the increasingly deranged, child-killing and child-mutilating “progressivism” that’s now being pushed everywhere? Are there any doctors in America who will denounce parents maiming their own children in the pursuit of gender equality? Somehow, doctors are more than willing to call the police on parents who refuse to have their children subjected to toxic chemotherapy, but there’s little question those same doctors will stand by and say nothing while parents commit felony assault against their own children with a scalpel and an ice pack… all in the name of “progressivism.”
The Left in America today has become a dangerous obedience cult that’s obsessed with death and self-mutilation. Until they are stopped, their agenda will continue to become more twisted, insane and psychopathic. This is the same movement that has pushed for the legalization of infanticide across America, with laws passed in New York, Vermont and other states that literally allow parents to murder healthy children after they are born, all in the name of “women’s health.”
The twisted, almost demonic justification for all this is that, according to Leftists, infants are not humans until you decide to keep them, and it is this underlying deception that will endorse parents physically maiming their own babies, leaving them emotionally and physically scarred for life, all in the name of pursuing the delusion of “gender equality.”
This is, of course, extreme child abuse. It is “child mutilation,” but because the mutilation is pursued in the name of gender “equality,” it will be embraced, endorsed and even celebrated by the Left, which is now characterized by mass mental illness.
As I’ve said before in this article on the climate change psychological terrorism now being pushed by the Left:
The future of liberalism isn’t a boot stamping on your head forever; it’s actually a screaming, bloodied, scarred baby that has been violently attacked and had its penis sliced off by “progressive” parents while obedient doctors watch and cheer in order to support political correctness and keep their jobs in hospitals that maim babies for profit while billing the federal government for “gender-restorative procedures” which are nothing more than horrific crimes committed against human babies that somehow survived the Left’s post-birth abortion procedures.
According to the Left, if you stab a newborn just a few times in the right places, it’s called “progressivism.” If you keep stabbing and murder the baby, it’s called “women’s health” (i.e. abortion).
You can’t make this up. You can’t even dream this up in a nightmare. Liberalism is beyond any nightmare the world has ever witnessed in human history. The Left Cult is a death cult, and they can’t wait to kill themselves and as many other people as possible as they take down humanity in the name of “environmental justice.”
Watch this shocking mini-documentary to learn more:
Read more news about gender insanity at