Destruction of the white race, and especially white Christians, has been a long-standing jewish dream. This is why organized jewry has orchestrated the “immigration crisis” in Europe and America and also why jews like George Soros are funding the transport of the “refugees” into predominantly white Christian nations like Germany, Sweden, America and the UK. In the jewish mind, flooding predominantly white countries with brown and black skinned people will serve many purposes including (i) evoking extreme violence with blacks against whites; (ii) destroying Christian culture and civilization; and (iii) producing inter-racial children that will serve to wipe out the hated white race.
Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda
Barbara Lerner Spectre, jewess invader of Sweden, calls for “multiculturalism” and the destruction of European societies.
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt claims jews and muslims are natural allies because they both like to mutilate the genitals of children and murder animals in the most grotesque way imaginable! Of course, they also both hate whites, and especially white Christians, and would love to see the white Christian civilization destroyed.
“…We see ourselves together with our Muslim brothers, our natural allies, fighting,” he continues, against the European whites who are such bigots they want to ban circumcision and kosher slaughtering of animals…”
Note – this video has been removed MANY times from jewtube. I have reuploaded to bitchute
Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt
In fact, many prominent jews have spoken about their desire to destroy “the white race.”
From Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich at the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952
“…The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave (Applause from the gathering)…
I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter- racial tensions, forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.”
And from Abe Foxman, head of the anti-defamation league:
“Gentlemen. Welcome to the Second Centennial Meeting of the Learned of Elders of Zion… Many of you are very busy men. Let us get to the crux of the matter. As masters of business, politics, law and most importantly… media, we are ready to implement our most important and ambitious program. One that will finally and totally remove from existence the impediments of our absolute control of this earth.
I speak of the death of the white race. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate. We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of the last white children playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction. We can ruin the ancient pure bloodline of an Aryan child by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country.
More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children. We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment. Finally, we will see the end of the white race. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction.
Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at our feet. Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it. Perish Aryan Goyim (cattle)!”
A 1912 quotation by ISRAEL COHEN – which further proves the Jewish agenda to destroy the so-called “white race.”
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
— Israel Cohen, ”A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century”, 1912.
Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
“Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there.”
—Rabbi Baruch Efrati
“Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity. The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.” ~ Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Magazine, Sep-Oct 2002
“We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed, not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed. Even if reason tells us, even shouts with all its force the very absurdity of this confrontation between the small and insignificant people of Israel [i.e., all Jewry worldwide, not just “the State of Israel”] and the rest of humanity… as absurd, as incoherent and as monstrous as it may seem, we are engaged in close combat between Israel and the Nations ~ and it can only be genocidal and total because it is about our and their identities.”
— Yitzhak Attia, Israel Magazine, April 2003
“We’re smart—we are powerful and at the proper time we will mix up your gentile women with the Blacks and in 50 years you’ll be all mixed up. Niggers love to s—w your white women and we encourage it by using them to our advantage.”
— Howard Rosenthal
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negros. We will aid the negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
– Israel Cohen, General Secretary of The World Zionist Organization
From his book “A Racial Program For The 20th Century” (1912), read into the Congressional Record by Congressman Thomas Abernathy, U.S. House of Representatives (Mississippi, 4th District), on June 7, 1957, Volume 103, pg. 8559, third paragraph (left column).
“THE JEWISH PEOPLE as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of Monarchy, and by the establishing of a World Republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition.
“The governments of the different peoples forming the World Republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish leaders to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of The State. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled. In which it is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”
—Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Review de Paris, p574, June 1st. 1928
And finally… Jews demand: “Europe MUST become multicultural whether Whites like it or not”
“A Sweden that no longer exists and never can be regained…” – Jew Göran Rosenberg
The church of Sweden invited the subversive Jewish leader Göran Rosenberg to hold a speech to Swedish politicians in an opening ceremony for the government. In his genocidal speech, the Jew openly celebrates the extermination of the Aryan race:
Source Article:
World Jewish Congress and Official German Jewry Welcome Nonwhite Invasion
The World Jewish Congress and the Central Council of Jews in Germany have issued a formal statement welcoming the nonwhite invasion of Germany, calling it the “right thing” and an “evolution towards an open society.”
At the same time, of course, both Jewish organizations back Israel, which has a Jews-only immigration policy and which checks potential immigrants to see if they have Jewish DNA.
In a formal statement published in Die Welt newspaper in Germany, titled “Wir Juden wissen, wie bitter Flucht ist” (“We Jews Understand What Being a Refugee Means”), Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) and Dr. Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany and a vice-president of the WJC, attacked all Germans who oppose the flooding of their country by nonwhites, calling them “neo-Nazis.”
“We are witnessing a huge wave of spontaneous civic involvement, and administrative decisions are being taken much more quickly than used to be the case in Germany. This has won Germany new sympathies world-wide,” the Jewish leaders wrote.
“For many years, there were complaints about the country’s unwillingness to become a country of immigration, and about a lack of a ‘culture of welcome’. Given what we saw over the last weeks, that’s obviously not the case at all,” Lauder and Schuster continued—ignoring the fact that their country, Israel, arrests, detains and deports Third Worlders who try to settle in the Jews-only state.
“The Jewish community, both in Germany and world-wide, welcomes this evolution towards an open society. It is the right thing.”
Also ignoring the fact that the Jewish lobby and the Jewish state is the cause of all the violence in the Middle East, the two Jewish leaders went on to claim that the wave of “refugees” from Syria are fleeing because of “religion.”
In reality, of course, the official figures show that over 70 percent of the “refugees” are not even from Syria, but from other Third World countries—none of whom would be welcome in Israel.
Furthermore, the Israeli state—which both Lauder and Schuster support—has made it absolutely clear that it will not take a single genuine refugee from Syria, and have even built a new wall to prevent any refugees from entering the Jews-only state.
The two top Jews then went on to demand that the flood of nonwhite invaders be distributed around to all European nations:
“What is needed now is not only a just allocation to the various countries, but also longer-term support. Winter is around the country, and the refugees need good housing. It won’t suffice to provide them with tents, or pretzels, or teddy bears.”
The Jewish leaders were also at pains to point out that the new flood of nonwhites had to become supporters of Israel and to believe in the Jewish Holocaust story:
“It’s also important that those who at present can’t return to their home countries will become familiar with our Western values. In Germany, that means respect for the values enshrined in the Constitution and also an acceptance that support for Israel is part of the political DNA of this country. Moreover, society by and large agrees that the Holocaust must be remembered.”
The two top Jews then went on to condemn any Germans who might be opposed to the invasion, warning against not only physical opposition, but even peaceful political opposition:
“However, the images of the Good Germany we are currently seeing should not hide certain negative aspects: There are still attacks on asylum seekers’ homes, and there could be a backlash at the next elections in favor of certain political parties seeking to capitalize on fears in regard to the refugee crisis.”
In Israel it is the norm for political parties to be ultra-xenophobic, and to outlaw marriage between Jews and non-Jews, as well as between homosexuals—all things which Lauder and Schuster, and their communities in all Western nations, would condemn if practiced by any European nation.
The hypocrisy is staggering: on the one hand, the organized Jewish community in European nations demands that Europeans accept the Third World invasion, while on the other hand, they all fanatically support Israel which has overtly racially-based immigration policies and which actively expels any Third World invaders who might slip in.